as at Sunday, 2 March 2025

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Ratings for Elixs

as at Sunday, 16 February 2025

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Old ratings for Elixs

changes to the ratings system in 2017, 2019 and 2022

In 2015-16, I reviewed the 1999 ratings system, recommended changes, had these changes adopted, and implemented the new system for 2017. Here are: the two reports analysing the old system and recommending the new system; and a description of the calculations that are carried out in the new system.

Interim report on the review of the 1999 ratings system (pdf)
Final report on the review of the 1999 ratings system (pdf)
A worked example of how the 2017 ratings system was implemented (pdf)

In late 2018 / early 2019, a group of New Zealand Scrabble players, including myself, undertook the review of the 2017 changes that I recommended in my report above. Here is: our final report, which was adopted on 26/1/2019; and the code for the current implementation of both the 2017 and 2019 systems.

Final report on the review of the 2017 ratings system (pdf)
Reference implementation of 2017 and 2019 ratings systems (code at github)

In 2021, I recommended minor changes to the 2019 system to better handle some rare situations, and to make the system simpler, and thus easier to understand and implement.

Final report on the review of the 2019 ratings system (pdf)
Brief description of the 2022 ratings system (pdf)
Reference implementation of 2022 ratings system (code at github)

Words utility program

Anagrams, superstrings, substrings, supersets, subsets, ‘Judge’ feature, Regular Expression search, ‘Word Show’ study aid, Quiz study aid, Mastermind-style word game, word patterns for basic cyphers, run user-supplied XojoScript against words in DB.

Xojo version at GitHub

old tournament scoring program

There are two .dmg’s available for download - T-Score 1.4.4 compiled for i) PPC Macs or ii) Intel Macs. The PPC version hasn’t been tested as I no longer have easy access to a PPC-based machine (or even one running Rosetta). This is the last update to the old version of T-Score - the old IDE no longer supports current machines.