According to the rules for taking part in 100 Days of Swift, as soon as I’ve finished each day, I have to post about it.

The topic for Day 69 was: Project 19, Part Three.

This consisted of a wrap up and review of what was learned in Project 19, and some challenges. Project 19 seemed to stop working as I was finishing off Part Two - the Action button stopped appearing in Safari, first when I first switched to iPhone SE for the simulator, and then for the iPhone XR after I’d switched back to that simulator and changed the code that was meant to fix things for the iPhone SE. Could well have been a change brought in with xCode 10.2.1, or something I didn’t reinstall after updating to that version. Whatever, I can’t work on the challenges for that project until it’s working again. Will carry on getting caught up elsewhere, and try doing Project 19 from scratch when I return to it.