back-combining DAWG into GADDAG
While trying to get a gaddag working, it has ocurred to me that if all the permutations of prefix and suffix are included for each work, then the new sub-tree of the gaddag that has the pivot symbol as its root can be used the same way as a stand-alone dawg would be.
Currently, for example, the word CAT would be in the gaddag as CAT, AC
T, AND TAC. The remaining possibility (
CAT) is not required for the finding of Scrabble plays, but if it is included, the tree with ` at its root is a DAWG of all the words in the gaddag, and can be used for simple yes/no - is-this-a-word? searches.
Also, if the gaddag is compressed by starting at all the leaf nodes, and combining identical endings working back up a level at a time (rather than starting from the root nodes, and combining the identical bits of the same length), the extra copy of all the words will be almost entirely compressed away.